Where to start?

xDEM aims at making the analysis of digital elevation models easy, modular and robust.


xDEM v0.1 is released, with all core features envisioned at creation 4 years ago 🎉!

We are merging efforts with demcompare to combine the best of both tools into one!

We are working on adding a dem Xarray accessor with native Dask support for 2025.

xDEM is tailored to perform quantitative analysis that implicitly understands the intricacies of elevation data, both from a georeferencing viewpoint (vertical referencing, nodata values, projection, pixel interpretation) and a statistical viewpoint (outlier robustness, specificities of 3D alignment and error structure).

It exposes an intuitive object-based API to foster accessibility, and strives to be computationally scalable through Dask.

Additionally, through its sister-package GeoUtils, xDEM is built on top of core geospatial packages (Rasterio, GeoPandas, PyProj) and numerical packages (NumPy, Xarray, SciPy) to provide consistent higher-level functionalities at the interface of DEMs and elevation point cloud objects.

Where to start?#

About xDEM

Learn more about why we developed xDEM.

About xDEM
Quick start

Run a short example of the package functionalities.

Quick start

Dive into the full documentation.

The digital elevation model (DEM)

Gallery of examples

Indices and tables#