Source code for xdem.coreg.biascorr

"""Bias corrections (i.e., non-affine coregistration) classes."""
from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
from typing import Any, Callable, Iterable, Literal, TypeVar

import geopandas as gpd
import geoutils as gu
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import rasterio as rio
import scipy

import xdem.spatialstats
from xdem._typing import NDArrayb, NDArrayf
from xdem.coreg.base import Coreg
from import (

fit_workflows = {
    "norder_polynomial": {"func": polynomial_1d, "optimizer": robust_norder_polynomial_fit},
    "nfreq_sumsin": {"func": sumsin_1d, "optimizer": robust_nfreq_sumsin_fit},

BiasCorrType = TypeVar("BiasCorrType", bound="BiasCorr")

[docs] class BiasCorr(Coreg): """ Parent class of bias correction methods: non-rigid coregistrations. Made to be subclassed to pass default parameters/dimensions more intuitively, or to provide wrappers for specific types of bias corrections (directional, terrain, etc). """
[docs] def __init__( self, fit_or_bin: Literal["bin_and_fit"] | Literal["fit"] | Literal["bin"] = "fit", fit_func: Callable[..., NDArrayf] | Literal["norder_polynomial"] | Literal["nfreq_sumsin"] = "norder_polynomial", fit_optimizer: Callable[..., tuple[NDArrayf, Any]] = scipy.optimize.curve_fit, bin_sizes: int | dict[str, int | Iterable[float]] = 10, bin_statistic: Callable[[NDArrayf], np.floating[Any]] = np.nanmedian, bin_apply_method: Literal["linear"] | Literal["per_bin"] = "linear", bias_var_names: Iterable[str] = None, subsample: float | int = 1.0, ): """ Instantiate a bias correction object. """ # Raise error if fit_or_bin is not defined if fit_or_bin not in ["fit", "bin", "bin_and_fit"]: raise ValueError(f"Argument `fit_or_bin` must be 'bin_and_fit', 'fit' or 'bin', got {fit_or_bin}.") # Pass the arguments to the class metadata if fit_or_bin in ["fit", "bin_and_fit"]: # Check input types for "fit" to raise user-friendly errors if not (callable(fit_func) or (isinstance(fit_func, str) and fit_func in fit_workflows.keys())): raise TypeError( "Argument `fit_func` must be a function (callable) " "or the string '{}', got {}.".format("', '".join(fit_workflows.keys()), type(fit_func)) ) if not callable(fit_optimizer): raise TypeError( "Argument `fit_optimizer` must be a function (callable), " "got {}.".format(type(fit_optimizer)) ) # If a workflow was called, override optimizer and pass proper function if isinstance(fit_func, str) and fit_func in fit_workflows.keys(): # Looks like a typing bug here, see: fit_optimizer = fit_workflows[fit_func]["optimizer"] # type: ignore fit_func = fit_workflows[fit_func]["func"] # type: ignore if fit_or_bin in ["bin", "bin_and_fit"]: # Check input types for "bin" to raise user-friendly errors if not ( isinstance(bin_sizes, int) or (isinstance(bin_sizes, dict) and all(isinstance(val, (int, Iterable)) for val in bin_sizes.values())) ): raise TypeError( "Argument `bin_sizes` must be an integer, or a dictionary of integers or iterables, " "got {}.".format(type(bin_sizes)) ) if not callable(bin_statistic): raise TypeError( "Argument `bin_statistic` must be a function (callable), " "got {}.".format(type(bin_statistic)) ) if not isinstance(bin_apply_method, str): raise TypeError( "Argument `bin_apply_method` must be the string 'linear' or 'per_bin', " "got {}.".format(type(bin_apply_method)) ) list_bias_var_names = list(bias_var_names) if bias_var_names is not None else None # Now we write the relevant attributes to the class metadata # For fitting if fit_or_bin == "fit": meta_fit = {"fit_func": fit_func, "fit_optimizer": fit_optimizer, "bias_var_names": list_bias_var_names} # Somehow mypy doesn't understand that fit_func and fit_optimizer can only be callables now, # even writing the above "if" in a more explicit "if; else" loop with new variables names and typing super().__init__(meta=meta_fit) # type: ignore # For binning elif fit_or_bin == "bin": meta_bin = { "bin_sizes": bin_sizes, "bin_statistic": bin_statistic, "bin_apply_method": bin_apply_method, "bias_var_names": list_bias_var_names, } super().__init__(meta=meta_bin) # type: ignore # For both else: meta_bin_and_fit = { "fit_func": fit_func, "fit_optimizer": fit_optimizer, "bin_sizes": bin_sizes, "bin_statistic": bin_statistic, "bias_var_names": list_bias_var_names, } super().__init__(meta=meta_bin_and_fit) # type: ignore # Add subsample attribute self._meta["subsample"] = subsample # Add number of dimensions attribute (length of bias_var_names, counted generically for iterator) self._meta["nd"] = sum(1 for _ in bias_var_names) if bias_var_names is not None else None # Update attributes self._fit_or_bin = fit_or_bin self._is_affine = False self._needs_vars = True
def _fit_biascorr( # type: ignore self, ref_elev: NDArrayf, tba_elev: NDArrayf, inlier_mask: NDArrayb, transform: rio.transform.Affine, # Never None thanks to pre-process crs:, # Never None thanks to pre-process z_name: str, bias_vars: None | dict[str, NDArrayf] = None, weights: None | NDArrayf = None, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Generic fit method for all biascorr subclasses, expects either 2D arrays for rasters or 1D arrays for points. Should only be called through subclassing. """ # This is called by subclasses, so the bias_var should always be defined if bias_vars is None: raise ValueError("At least one `bias_var` should be passed to the fitting function, got None.") # Check number of variables nd = self._meta["nd"] if nd is not None and len(bias_vars) != nd: raise ValueError( "A number of {} variable(s) has to be provided through the argument 'bias_vars', " "got {}.".format(nd, len(bias_vars)) ) # If bias var names were explicitly passed at instantiation, check that they match the one from the dict if self._meta["bias_var_names"] is not None: if not sorted(bias_vars.keys()) == sorted(self._meta["bias_var_names"]): raise ValueError( "The keys of `bias_vars` do not match the `bias_var_names` defined during " "instantiation: {}.".format(self._meta["bias_var_names"]) ) # Otherwise, store bias variable names from the dictionary else: self._meta["bias_var_names"] = list(bias_vars.keys()) # Compute difference and mask of valid data # TODO: Move the check up to diff = ref_elev - tba_elev valid_mask = np.logical_and.reduce( (inlier_mask, np.isfinite(diff), *(np.isfinite(var) for var in bias_vars.values())) ) # Raise errors if all values are NaN after introducing masks from the variables # (Others are already checked in if np.all(~valid_mask): raise ValueError("Some 'bias_vars' have only NaNs in the inlier mask.") subsample_mask = self._get_subsample_on_valid_mask(valid_mask=valid_mask, verbose=verbose) # Get number of variables nd = len(bias_vars) # Remove random state for keyword argument if its value is not in the optimizer function if self._fit_or_bin in ["fit", "bin_and_fit"]: fit_func_args = inspect.getfullargspec(self._meta["fit_optimizer"]).args if "random_state" not in fit_func_args and "random_state" in kwargs: kwargs.pop("random_state") # We need to sort the bin sizes in the same order as the bias variables if a dict is passed for bin_sizes if self._fit_or_bin in ["bin", "bin_and_fit"]: if isinstance(self._meta["bin_sizes"], dict): var_order = list(bias_vars.keys()) # Declare type to write integer or tuple to the variable bin_sizes: int | tuple[int, ...] | tuple[NDArrayf, ...] = tuple( np.array(self._meta["bin_sizes"][var]) for var in var_order ) # Otherwise, write integer directly else: bin_sizes = self._meta["bin_sizes"] # Option 1: Run fit and save optimized function parameters if self._fit_or_bin == "fit": # Print if verbose if verbose: print( "Estimating bias correction along variables {} by fitting " "with function {}.".format(", ".join(list(bias_vars.keys())), self._meta["fit_func"].__name__) ) results = self._meta["fit_optimizer"]( f=self._meta["fit_func"], xdata=np.array([var[subsample_mask].flatten() for var in bias_vars.values()]).squeeze(), ydata=diff[subsample_mask].flatten(), sigma=weights[subsample_mask].flatten() if weights is not None else None, absolute_sigma=True, **kwargs, ) # Option 2: Run binning and save dataframe of result elif self._fit_or_bin == "bin": if verbose: print( "Estimating bias correction along variables {} by binning " "with statistic {}.".format(", ".join(list(bias_vars.keys())), self._meta["bin_statistic"].__name__) ) df = xdem.spatialstats.nd_binning( values=diff[subsample_mask], list_var=[var[subsample_mask] for var in bias_vars.values()], list_var_names=list(bias_vars.keys()), list_var_bins=bin_sizes, statistics=(self._meta["bin_statistic"], "count"), ) # Option 3: Run binning, then fitting, and save both results else: # Print if verbose if verbose: print( "Estimating bias correction along variables {} by binning with statistic {} and then fitting " "with function {}.".format( ", ".join(list(bias_vars.keys())), self._meta["bin_statistic"].__name__, self._meta["fit_func"].__name__, ) ) df = xdem.spatialstats.nd_binning( values=diff[subsample_mask], list_var=[var[subsample_mask] for var in bias_vars.values()], list_var_names=list(bias_vars.keys()), list_var_bins=bin_sizes, statistics=(self._meta["bin_statistic"], "count"), ) # Now, we need to pass this new data to the fitting function and optimizer # We use only the N-D binning estimates (maximum dimension, equal to length of variable list) df_nd = df[df.nd == len(bias_vars)] # We get the middle of bin values for variable, and statistic for the diff new_vars = [pd.IntervalIndex(df_nd[var_name]).mid.values for var_name in bias_vars.keys()] new_diff = df_nd[self._meta["bin_statistic"].__name__].values # TODO: pass a new sigma based on "count" and original sigma (and correlation?)? # sigma values would have to be binned above also # Valid values for the binning output ind_valid = np.logical_and.reduce((np.isfinite(new_diff), *(np.isfinite(var) for var in new_vars))) if np.all(~ind_valid): raise ValueError("Only NaNs values after binning, did you pass the right bin edges?") results = self._meta["fit_optimizer"]( f=self._meta["fit_func"], xdata=np.array([var[ind_valid].flatten() for var in new_vars]).squeeze(), ydata=new_diff[ind_valid].flatten(), sigma=weights[ind_valid].flatten() if weights is not None else None, absolute_sigma=True, **kwargs, ) if verbose: print(f"{nd}D bias estimated.") # Save results if fitting was performed if self._fit_or_bin in ["fit", "bin_and_fit"]: # Write the results to metadata in different ways depending on optimizer returns if self._meta["fit_optimizer"] in (w["optimizer"] for w in fit_workflows.values()): params = results[0] order_or_freq = results[1] if self._meta["fit_optimizer"] == robust_norder_polynomial_fit: self._meta["poly_order"] = order_or_freq else: self._meta["nb_sin_freq"] = order_or_freq elif self._meta["fit_optimizer"] == scipy.optimize.curve_fit: params = results[0] # Calculation to get the error on parameters (see description of scipy.optimize.curve_fit) perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(results[1])) self._meta["fit_perr"] = perr else: params = results[0] self._meta["fit_params"] = params # Save results of binning if it was perfrmed elif self._fit_or_bin in ["bin", "bin_and_fit"]: self._meta["bin_dataframe"] = df def _fit_rst_rst( self, ref_elev: NDArrayf, tba_elev: NDArrayf, inlier_mask: NDArrayb, transform: rio.transform.Affine, crs:, z_name: str, weights: NDArrayf | None = None, bias_vars: dict[str, NDArrayf] | None = None, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Should only be called through subclassing""" self._fit_biascorr( ref_elev=ref_elev, tba_elev=tba_elev, inlier_mask=inlier_mask, transform=transform, crs=crs, z_name=z_name, weights=weights, bias_vars=bias_vars, verbose=verbose, **kwargs, ) def _fit_rst_pts( # type: ignore self, ref_elev: NDArrayf | gpd.GeoDataFrame, tba_elev: NDArrayf | gpd.GeoDataFrame, inlier_mask: NDArrayb, transform: rio.transform.Affine, # Never None thanks to pre-process crs:, # Never None thanks to pre-process z_name: str, bias_vars: None | dict[str, NDArrayf] = None, weights: None | NDArrayf = None, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: """Should only be called through subclassing.""" # Get point reference to also convert inlier and bias vars pts_elev = ref_elev if isinstance(ref_elev, gpd.GeoDataFrame) else tba_elev rst_elev = ref_elev if not isinstance(ref_elev, gpd.GeoDataFrame) else tba_elev pts = np.array((pts_elev.geometry.x.values, pts_elev.geometry.y.values)).T # Get valid mask ahead of subsampling to have the exact number of requested subsamples by user if bias_vars is not None: valid_mask = np.logical_and.reduce( (inlier_mask, np.isfinite(rst_elev), *(np.isfinite(var) for var in bias_vars.values())) ) else: valid_mask = np.logical_and.reduce((inlier_mask, np.isfinite(rst_elev))) # Convert inlier mask to points to be able to determine subsample later inlier_rst = gu.Raster.from_array(data=valid_mask, transform=transform, crs=crs) # The location needs to be surrounded by inliers, use floor to get 0 for at least one outlier valid_pts = np.floor(inlier_rst.interp_points(pts)).astype(bool) # Interpolates boolean mask as integers # If there is a subsample, it needs to be done now on the point dataset to reduce later calculations subsample_mask = self._get_subsample_on_valid_mask(valid_mask=valid_pts, verbose=verbose) pts = pts[subsample_mask] # Now all points should be valid, we can pass an inlier mask completely true inlier_pts_alltrue = np.ones(len(pts), dtype=bool) # Below, we derive 1D arrays for the rst_rst function to take over after interpolating to the point coordinates # (as rst_rst works for 1D arrays as well as 2D arrays, as long as coordinates match) # Convert ref or tba depending on which is the point dataset if isinstance(ref_elev, gpd.GeoDataFrame): tba_rst = gu.Raster.from_array(data=tba_elev, transform=transform, crs=crs, nodata=-9999) tba_elev_pts = tba_rst.interp_points(pts) ref_elev_pts = ref_elev[z_name].values[subsample_mask] else: ref_rst = gu.Raster.from_array(data=ref_elev, transform=transform, crs=crs, nodata=-9999) ref_elev_pts = ref_rst.interp_points(pts) tba_elev_pts = tba_elev[z_name].values[subsample_mask] # Convert bias variables if bias_vars is not None: bias_vars_pts = {} for var in bias_vars.keys(): bias_vars_pts[var] = gu.Raster.from_array( bias_vars[var], transform=transform, crs=crs, nodata=-9999 ).interp_points(pts) else: bias_vars_pts = None # Send to raster-raster fit but using 1D arrays instead of 2D arrays (flattened anyway during analysis) self._fit_biascorr( ref_elev=ref_elev_pts, tba_elev=tba_elev_pts, inlier_mask=inlier_pts_alltrue, bias_vars=bias_vars_pts, transform=transform, crs=crs, z_name=z_name, weights=weights, verbose=verbose, **kwargs, ) def _apply_rst( # type: ignore self, elev: NDArrayf, transform: rio.transform.Affine, # Never None thanks to pre-process crs:, # Never None thanks to pre-process bias_vars: None | dict[str, NDArrayf] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> tuple[NDArrayf, rio.transform.Affine]: if bias_vars is None: raise ValueError("At least one `bias_var` should be passed to the `apply` function, got None.") # Check the bias_vars passed match the ones stored for this bias correction class if not sorted(bias_vars.keys()) == sorted(self._meta["bias_var_names"]): raise ValueError( "The keys of `bias_vars` do not match the `bias_var_names` defined during " "instantiation or fitting: {}.".format(self._meta["bias_var_names"]) ) # Apply function to get correction (including if binning was done before) if self._fit_or_bin in ["fit", "bin_and_fit"]: corr = self._meta["fit_func"](tuple(bias_vars.values()), *self._meta["fit_params"]) # Apply binning to get correction else: if self._meta["bin_apply_method"] == "linear": # N-D interpolation of binning bin_interpolator = xdem.spatialstats.interp_nd_binning( df=self._meta["bin_dataframe"], list_var_names=list(bias_vars.keys()), statistic=self._meta["bin_statistic"], ) corr = bin_interpolator(tuple(var.flatten() for var in bias_vars.values())) first_var = list(bias_vars.keys())[0] corr = corr.reshape(np.shape(bias_vars[first_var])) else: # Get N-D binning statistic for each pixel of the new list of variables corr = xdem.spatialstats.get_perbin_nd_binning( df=self._meta["bin_dataframe"], list_var=list(bias_vars.values()), list_var_names=list(bias_vars.keys()), statistic=self._meta["bin_statistic"], ) dem_corr = elev + corr return dem_corr, transform
[docs] class DirectionalBias(BiasCorr): """ Bias correction for directional biases, for example along- or across-track of satellite angle. """
[docs] def __init__( self, angle: float = 0, fit_or_bin: Literal["bin_and_fit"] | Literal["fit"] | Literal["bin"] = "bin_and_fit", fit_func: Callable[..., NDArrayf] | Literal["norder_polynomial"] | Literal["nfreq_sumsin"] = "nfreq_sumsin", fit_optimizer: Callable[..., tuple[NDArrayf, Any]] = scipy.optimize.curve_fit, bin_sizes: int | dict[str, int | Iterable[float]] = 100, bin_statistic: Callable[[NDArrayf], np.floating[Any]] = np.nanmedian, bin_apply_method: Literal["linear"] | Literal["per_bin"] = "linear", subsample: float | int = 1.0, ): """ Instantiate a directional bias correction. :param angle: Angle in which to perform the directional correction (degrees). :param fit_or_bin: Whether to fit or bin. Use "fit" to correct by optimizing a function or "bin" to correct with a statistic of central tendency in defined bins. :param fit_func: Function to fit to the bias with variables later passed in .fit(). :param fit_optimizer: Optimizer to minimize the function. :param bin_sizes: Size (if integer) or edges (if iterable) for binning variables later passed in .fit(). :param bin_statistic: Statistic of central tendency (e.g., mean) to apply during the binning. :param bin_apply_method: Method to correct with the binned statistics, either "linear" to interpolate linearly between bins, or "per_bin" to apply the statistic for each bin. :param subsample: Subsample the input for speed-up. <1 is parsed as a fraction. >1 is a pixel count. """ super().__init__( fit_or_bin, fit_func, fit_optimizer, bin_sizes, bin_statistic, bin_apply_method, ["angle"], subsample ) self._meta["angle"] = angle self._needs_vars = False
def _fit_rst_rst( # type: ignore self, ref_elev: NDArrayf, tba_elev: NDArrayf, inlier_mask: NDArrayb, transform: rio.transform.Affine, crs:, z_name: str, bias_vars: dict[str, NDArrayf] = None, weights: None | NDArrayf = None, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: if verbose: print("Estimating rotated coordinates.") x, _ = gu.raster.get_xy_rotated( raster=gu.Raster.from_array(data=ref_elev, crs=crs, transform=transform, nodata=-9999), along_track_angle=self._meta["angle"], ) # Parameters dependent on resolution cannot be derived from the rotated x coordinates, need to be passed below if "hop_length" not in kwargs: # The hop length will condition jump in function values, need to be larger than average resolution average_res = (transform[0] + abs(transform[4])) / 2 kwargs.update({"hop_length": average_res}) self._fit_biascorr( ref_elev=ref_elev, tba_elev=tba_elev, inlier_mask=inlier_mask, bias_vars={"angle": x}, transform=transform, crs=crs, z_name=z_name, weights=weights, verbose=verbose, **kwargs, ) def _fit_rst_pts( # type: ignore self, ref_elev: NDArrayf | gpd.GeoDataFrame, tba_elev: NDArrayf | gpd.GeoDataFrame, inlier_mask: NDArrayb, transform: rio.transform.Affine, crs:, z_name: str, bias_vars: dict[str, NDArrayf] = None, weights: None | NDArrayf = None, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: # Figure out which data is raster format to get gridded attributes rast_elev = ref_elev if not isinstance(ref_elev, gpd.GeoDataFrame) else tba_elev if verbose: print("Estimating rotated coordinates.") x, _ = gu.raster.get_xy_rotated( raster=gu.Raster.from_array(data=rast_elev, crs=crs, transform=transform, nodata=-9999), along_track_angle=self._meta["angle"], ) # Parameters dependent on resolution cannot be derived from the rotated x coordinates, need to be passed below if "hop_length" not in kwargs: # The hop length will condition jump in function values, need to be larger than average resolution average_res = (transform[0] + abs(transform[4])) / 2 kwargs.update({"hop_length": average_res}) super()._fit_rst_pts( ref_elev=ref_elev, tba_elev=tba_elev, inlier_mask=inlier_mask, bias_vars={"angle": x}, transform=transform, crs=crs, z_name=z_name, weights=weights, verbose=verbose, **kwargs, ) def _apply_rst( self, elev: NDArrayf, transform: rio.transform.Affine, crs:, bias_vars: None | dict[str, NDArrayf] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> tuple[NDArrayf, rio.transform.Affine]: # Define the coordinates for applying the correction x, _ = gu.raster.get_xy_rotated( raster=gu.Raster.from_array(data=elev, crs=crs, transform=transform, nodata=-9999), along_track_angle=self._meta["angle"], ) return super()._apply_rst(elev=elev, transform=transform, crs=crs, bias_vars={"angle": x}, **kwargs)
[docs] class TerrainBias(BiasCorr): """ Correct a bias according to terrain, such as elevation or curvature. With elevation: often useful for nadir image DEM correction, where the focal length is slightly miscalculated. With curvature: often useful for a difference of DEMs with different effective resolution. DISCLAIMER: An elevation correction may introduce error when correcting non-photogrammetric biases, as generally elevation biases are interlinked with curvature biases. See Gardelle et al. (2012) (Figure 2),, for curvature-related biases. """
[docs] def __init__( self, terrain_attribute: str = "maximum_curvature", fit_or_bin: Literal["bin_and_fit"] | Literal["fit"] | Literal["bin"] = "bin", fit_func: Callable[..., NDArrayf] | Literal["norder_polynomial"] | Literal["nfreq_sumsin"] = "norder_polynomial", fit_optimizer: Callable[..., tuple[NDArrayf, Any]] = scipy.optimize.curve_fit, bin_sizes: int | dict[str, int | Iterable[float]] = 100, bin_statistic: Callable[[NDArrayf], np.floating[Any]] = np.nanmedian, bin_apply_method: Literal["linear"] | Literal["per_bin"] = "linear", subsample: float | int = 1.0, ): """ Instantiate a terrain bias correction. :param terrain_attribute: Terrain attribute to use for correction. :param fit_or_bin: Whether to fit or bin. Use "fit" to correct by optimizing a function or "bin" to correct with a statistic of central tendency in defined bins. :param fit_func: Function to fit to the bias with variables later passed in .fit(). :param fit_optimizer: Optimizer to minimize the function. :param bin_sizes: Size (if integer) or edges (if iterable) for binning variables later passed in .fit(). :param bin_statistic: Statistic of central tendency (e.g., mean) to apply during the binning. :param bin_apply_method: Method to correct with the binned statistics, either "linear" to interpolate linearly between bins, or "per_bin" to apply the statistic for each bin. :param subsample: Subsample the input for speed-up. <1 is parsed as a fraction. >1 is a pixel count. """ super().__init__( fit_or_bin, fit_func, fit_optimizer, bin_sizes, bin_statistic, bin_apply_method, [terrain_attribute], subsample, ) # This is the same as bias_var_names, but let's leave the duplicate for clarity self._meta["terrain_attribute"] = terrain_attribute self._needs_vars = False
def _fit_rst_rst( # type: ignore self, ref_elev: NDArrayf, tba_elev: NDArrayf, inlier_mask: NDArrayb, transform: rio.transform.Affine, crs:, z_name: str, bias_vars: dict[str, NDArrayf] = None, weights: None | NDArrayf = None, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: # If already passed by user, pass along if bias_vars is not None and self._meta["terrain_attribute"] in bias_vars: attr = bias_vars[self._meta["terrain_attribute"]] # If only declared during instantiation else: # Derive terrain attribute if self._meta["terrain_attribute"] == "elevation": attr = ref_elev else: attr = xdem.terrain.get_terrain_attribute( dem=ref_elev, attribute=self._meta["terrain_attribute"], resolution=(transform[0], abs(transform[4])), ) # Run the parent function self._fit_biascorr( ref_elev=ref_elev, tba_elev=tba_elev, inlier_mask=inlier_mask, bias_vars={self._meta["terrain_attribute"]: attr}, transform=transform, crs=crs, z_name=z_name, weights=weights, verbose=verbose, **kwargs, ) def _fit_rst_pts( # type: ignore self, ref_elev: NDArrayf | gpd.GeoDataFrame, tba_elev: NDArrayf | gpd.GeoDataFrame, inlier_mask: NDArrayb, transform: rio.transform.Affine, crs:, z_name: str, bias_vars: dict[str, NDArrayf] = None, weights: None | NDArrayf = None, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: # If already passed by user, pass along if bias_vars is not None and self._meta["terrain_attribute"] in bias_vars: attr = bias_vars[self._meta["terrain_attribute"]] # If only declared during instantiation else: # Figure out which data is raster format to get gridded attributes rast_elev = ref_elev if not isinstance(ref_elev, gpd.GeoDataFrame) else tba_elev # Derive terrain attribute if self._meta["terrain_attribute"] == "elevation": attr = rast_elev else: attr = xdem.terrain.get_terrain_attribute( dem=rast_elev, attribute=self._meta["terrain_attribute"], resolution=(transform[0], abs(transform[4])), ) # Run the parent function super()._fit_rst_pts( ref_elev=ref_elev, tba_elev=tba_elev, inlier_mask=inlier_mask, bias_vars={self._meta["terrain_attribute"]: attr}, transform=transform, crs=crs, z_name=z_name, weights=weights, verbose=verbose, **kwargs, ) def _apply_rst( self, elev: NDArrayf, transform: rio.transform.Affine, crs:, bias_vars: None | dict[str, NDArrayf] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> tuple[NDArrayf, rio.transform.Affine]: if bias_vars is None: # Derive terrain attribute if self._meta["terrain_attribute"] == "elevation": attr = elev else: attr = xdem.terrain.get_terrain_attribute( dem=elev, attribute=self._meta["terrain_attribute"], resolution=(transform[0], abs(transform[4])) ) bias_vars = {self._meta["terrain_attribute"]: attr} return super()._apply_rst(elev=elev, transform=transform, crs=crs, bias_vars=bias_vars, **kwargs)
[docs] class Deramp(BiasCorr): """ Correct for a 2D polynomial along X/Y coordinates, for example from residual camera model deformations. """
[docs] def __init__( self, poly_order: int = 2, fit_or_bin: Literal["bin_and_fit"] | Literal["fit"] | Literal["bin"] = "fit", fit_func: Callable[..., NDArrayf] = polynomial_2d, fit_optimizer: Callable[..., tuple[NDArrayf, Any]] = scipy.optimize.curve_fit, bin_sizes: int | dict[str, int | Iterable[float]] = 10, bin_statistic: Callable[[NDArrayf], np.floating[Any]] = np.nanmedian, bin_apply_method: Literal["linear"] | Literal["per_bin"] = "linear", subsample: float | int = 5e5, ): """ Instantiate a directional bias correction. :param poly_order: Order of the 2D polynomial to fit. :param fit_or_bin: Whether to fit or bin. Use "fit" to correct by optimizing a function or "bin" to correct with a statistic of central tendency in defined bins. :param fit_func: Function to fit to the bias with variables later passed in .fit(). :param fit_optimizer: Optimizer to minimize the function. :param bin_sizes: Size (if integer) or edges (if iterable) for binning variables later passed in .fit(). :param bin_statistic: Statistic of central tendency (e.g., mean) to apply during the binning. :param bin_apply_method: Method to correct with the binned statistics, either "linear" to interpolate linearly between bins, or "per_bin" to apply the statistic for each bin. :param subsample: Subsample the input for speed-up. <1 is parsed as a fraction. >1 is a pixel count. """ super().__init__( fit_or_bin, fit_func, fit_optimizer, bin_sizes, bin_statistic, bin_apply_method, ["xx", "yy"], subsample, ) self._meta["poly_order"] = poly_order self._needs_vars = False
def _fit_rst_rst( # type: ignore self, ref_elev: NDArrayf, tba_elev: NDArrayf, inlier_mask: NDArrayb, transform: rio.transform.Affine, crs:, z_name: str, bias_vars: dict[str, NDArrayf] | None = None, weights: None | NDArrayf = None, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: # The number of parameters in the first guess defines the polynomial order when calling np.polyval2d p0 = np.ones(shape=((self._meta["poly_order"] + 1) ** 2)) # Coordinates (we don't need the actual ones, just array coordinates) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, ref_elev.shape[1]), np.arange(0, ref_elev.shape[0])) self._fit_biascorr( ref_elev=ref_elev, tba_elev=tba_elev, inlier_mask=inlier_mask, bias_vars={"xx": xx, "yy": yy}, transform=transform, crs=crs, z_name=z_name, weights=weights, verbose=verbose, p0=p0, **kwargs, ) def _fit_rst_pts( # type: ignore self, ref_elev: NDArrayf | gpd.GeoDataFrame, tba_elev: NDArrayf | gpd.GeoDataFrame, inlier_mask: NDArrayb, transform: rio.transform.Affine, crs:, z_name: str, bias_vars: dict[str, NDArrayf] | None = None, weights: None | NDArrayf = None, verbose: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> None: # Figure out which data is raster format to get gridded attributes rast_elev = ref_elev if not isinstance(ref_elev, gpd.GeoDataFrame) else tba_elev # The number of parameters in the first guess defines the polynomial order when calling np.polyval2d p0 = np.ones(shape=((self._meta["poly_order"] + 1) ** 2)) # Coordinates (we don't need the actual ones, just array coordinates) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, rast_elev.shape[1]), np.arange(0, rast_elev.shape[0])) super()._fit_rst_pts( ref_elev=ref_elev, tba_elev=tba_elev, inlier_mask=inlier_mask, bias_vars={"xx": xx, "yy": yy}, transform=transform, crs=crs, z_name=z_name, weights=weights, verbose=verbose, p0=p0, **kwargs, ) def _apply_rst( self, elev: NDArrayf, transform: rio.transform.Affine, crs:, bias_vars: None | dict[str, NDArrayf] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> tuple[NDArrayf, rio.transform.Affine]: # Define the coordinates for applying the correction xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0, elev.shape[1]), np.arange(0, elev.shape[0])) return super()._apply_rst(elev=elev, transform=transform, crs=crs, bias_vars={"xx": xx, "yy": yy}, **kwargs)