
xDEM allows to configure the verbosity level and the default behaviour of certain operations on elevation data (such as resampling method for reprojection, or pixel interpretation) directly at the package level.

Verbosity level#

To configure the verbosity level (or logging) for xDEM, you can utilize Python’s built-in logging module. This module has five levels of verbosity that are, in ascending order of severity: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL. Setting a level prints output from that level and all other of higher severity. Logging also allows you to specify other aspects, such as the destination of the output (console, file).


The default verbosity level is WARNING, implying that INFO and DEBUG do not get printed. Use the basic configuration as below to setup an INFO level.

To specify the verbosity level, set up a logging configuration at the start of your script:

import logging

# Basic configuration to simply print info

Optionally, you can specify the logging date, format, and handlers (destinations).

# More advanced configuration
    format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
    datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
        logging.FileHandler('app.log'), # Log messages will be saved to this file
        logging.StreamHandler()         # Log messages will also be printed to the console

The above configuration will log messages with a severity level of INFO and above, including timestamps, logger names, and log levels in the output. You can change the logging level as needed.

Raster–vector–point operations#

To change the configuration at the package level regarding operations for rasters, vectors and points, see GeoUtils’ configuration.

For instance, this allows to define a preferred resampling algorithm used when interpolating and reprojecting (e.g., bilinear, cubic), or the default behaviour linked to pixel interpretation during point–raster comparison. These changes will then apply to all your operations in xDEM, such as coregistration.