Release notes#

Below, the release notes for all minor versions and our roadmap to a first major version.


xDEM version 0.1 is the first minor release since the creation of the project in 2020. It is the result of years of work to consolidate and re-structure features into a mature and stable API to minimize future breaking changes.

All the core features drafted at the start of the project are now supported, and there is a clear roadmap towards a first major release 1.0. This minor release also adds many tests and improves significantly the documentation from the early-development state of the package.

The re-structuring created some breaking changes, though minor.

See details below, including a guide to help migrate code from early-development versions.


xDEM now gathers the following core features:

  • Elevation data objects core to quantatiative analysis, which are DEMs and elevation point clouds,

  • Vertical referencing including automatic 3D CRS fetching,

  • Terrain analysis for many attributes,

  • Coregistration with the choice of several methods, including modular pipeline building,

  • Bias corrections for any variable, also modular and supported by pipelines,

  • Uncertainty analysis based on several robust methods.

Recent additions include in particular point-raster support for coregistration, and the expansion of DEM class methods to cover all features of the package, with for instance DEM.coregister_3d() or DEM.slope().

Guides and other resources#

xDEM integrates background material on quantitative analysis of elevation data to help users use the various methods of the package. This material includes several illustrated guide pages, a cheatsheet on how to recognize and correct typical elevation errors, and more.

Future deprecations#

We have added warnings throughout the documentation and API related to planned deprecations:

  • Gap-filling features specific to glacier-applications will be moved to a separate package,

  • Uncertainty analysis tools related to variography will change API to rely on SciKit-GStat variogram objects,

  • The dDEM and DEMCollection classes will likely be refactored or removed.

Changes related to gap-filling and uncertainty analysis will have deprecation warnings, while the function remain available during a few more releases.

Migrate from early versions#

The following changes might be required to solve breaking changes, depending on your early-development version:

  • Rename .show() to .plot() for all data objects,

  • Rename .dtypes to dtype for DEM objects,

  • Operations .crop(), shift() and to_vcrs() are not done in-place by default anymore, replace by dem = dem.crop() or dem.crop(..., inplace=True) to mirror the old default behaviour,

  • Rename .shift() to .translate() for DEM objects,

  • Several function arguments are renamed, in particular dst_xxx arguments of .reproject() are all renamed to xxx e.g. dst_crs to crs, as well as the arguments of renamed from xxx_dem to xxx_elev to be generic to any elevation data,

  • All BiasCorr1D, BiasCorr2D and BiasCorrND classes are removed in favor of a single BiasCorr class that implicitly understands the number of dimensions from the length of input bias_vars,

  • New user warnings are sometimes raised, in particular if some metadata is not properly defined such as .nodata. Those should give an indication as how to silence them.

Additionally, some important yet non-breaking changes:

  • The sequential use of and Coreg.apply() to the same tba_elev is now discouraged and updated everywhere in the documentation, use Coreg.fit_and_apply() or DEM.coregister_3d() instead,

  • The use of a separate module for terrain attributes such as xdem.terrain.slope() is now discouraged, use DEM.slope() instead.

Roadmap to 1.0#

Based on recent and ongoing progress, we envision the following roadmap.

Releases of 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, etc, for the following planned (ongoing) additions:

  • The addition of a command-line interface for features such as coregistration, in the frame of the merging effort with demcompare,

  • The addition of an elevation point cloud EPC data object, inherited from the ongoing PointCloud object of GeoUtils alongside many features at the interface of point and raster,

  • The addition of a Xarray accessor dem mirroring the DEM object, to work natively with Xarray objects and add support on out-of-memory Dask operations for most of xDEM’s features,

  • The addition of a GeoPandas accessor epc mirroring the EPC object, to work natively with GeoPandas objects,

  • The re-structuration of uncertainty analysis features to rely directly on SciKit-GStat’s Variogram object.

Release of 1.0 once all these additions are fully implemented, and after feedback from the community.