The core mission of xDEM is to be easy-of-use, modular and robust.
It also attempts to be as efficient, scalable and state-of-the-art as possible.
Finally, as an open source package, it aspires to foster reproducibility and open science.
In details, those mean:
Ease-of-use: all basic operations or methods from published works should only require a few lines of code to be performed;
Modularity: all methods should be fully customizable, to allow both flexibility and inter-comparison;
Robustness: all methods should be tested within our continuous integration test-suite, to enforce that they always perform as expected;
Scalability is currently being improved towards a first major release v1.0
And, additionally:
Efficiency: all methods should be optimized at the lower-level, to function with the highest performance offered by Python packages;
Scalability: all methods should support both lazy processing and distributed parallelized processing, to work with high-resolution data on local machines as well as on HPCs;
State-of-the-art: all methods should be at the cutting edge of remote sensing science, to provide users with the most reliable and up-to-date tools.
And finally:
Reproducibility: all code should be version-controlled and release-based, to ensure consistency of dependent packages and works;
Open-source: all code should be accessible and reusable to anyone in the community, for transparency and open governance.