

DEM.interp_points(points, method='linear', dist_nodata_spread='half_order_up', band=1, input_latlon=False, shift_area_or_point=None, force_scipy_function=None, **kwargs)#

Interpolate raster values at a set of points.

Uses scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates if the Raster is on an equal grid using “nearest” or “linear” (for speed), otherwise uses scipy.interpn on a regular grid.

Optionally, user can enforce the interpretation of pixel coordinates in self.tags[‘AREA_OR_POINT’] to ensure that the interpolation of points is done at the right location. See parameter description of shift_area_or_point for more details.

  • points (tuple[Union[int, float, integer[Any], floating[Any]], Union[int, float, integer[Any], floating[Any]]] | tuple[ndarray[Any, dtype[Union[floating[Any], integer[Any]]]], ndarray[Any, dtype[Union[floating[Any], integer[Any]]]]]) – Point(s) at which to interpolate raster value (tuple of X/Y array-likes). If points fall outside of image, value returned is nan.

  • method (Literal['nearest', 'linear', 'cubic', 'quintic', 'slinear', 'pchip', 'splinef2d']) – Interpolation method, one of ‘nearest’, ‘linear’, ‘cubic’, ‘quintic’, ‘slinear’, ‘pchip’ or ‘splinef2d’. For more information, see scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates and scipy.interpolate.interpn. Default is linear.

  • dist_nodata_spread (Union[Literal['half_order_up', 'half_order_down'], int]) – Distance of nodata spreading during interpolation, either half-interpolation order rounded up (default; equivalent to 0 for nearest, 1 for linear methods, 2 for cubic methods and 3 for quintic method), or rounded down, or a fixed integer.

  • band (int) – Band to use (from 1 to self.count).

  • input_latlon (bool) – Whether the input is in latlon, unregarding of Raster CRS.

  • shift_area_or_point (bool | None) – Whether to shift with pixel interpretation, which shifts to center of pixel coordinates if self.area_or_point is “Point” and maintains corner pixel coordinate if it is “Area” or None. Defaults to True. Can be configured with the global setting geoutils.config[“shift_area_or_point”].

  • force_scipy_function (Optional[Literal['map_coordinates', 'interpn']]) – Force to use either map_coordinates or interpn. Mainly for testing purposes.

Returns rpoints:

Array of raster value(s) for the given points.

Return type:

ndarray[Any, dtype[Union[floating[Any], integer[Any]]]]