Use in publications#
Below, a list of publications making use of the xDEM package (that we are aware of!).
Hartl, L., Schmitt, P., Schuster, L., Helfricht, K., Abermann, J., & Maussion, F. (2024). Recent observations and glacier modeling point towards near complete glacier loss in western Austria (Ötztal and Stubai mountain range) if 1.5 °C is not met.
Liu, Z., Filhol, S., & Treichler, D. (2024). Retrieving snow depth distribution by downscaling ERA5 Reanalysis with ICESat-2 laser altimetry. In arXiv [physics.geo-ph]. arXiv.
Mattea, E., Berthier, E., Dehecq, A., Bolch, T., Bhattacharya, A., Ghuffar, S., Barandun, M., & Hoelzle, M. (2024). Five decades of Abramov glacier dynamics reconstructed with multi-sensor optical remote sensing.
Zhu, Y., Liu, S., Wei, J., Wu, K., Bolch, T., Xu, J., Guo, W., Jiang, Z., Xie, F., Yi, Y., Shangguan, D., Yao, X., & Zhang, Z. (2024). Glacier-level and gridded mass change in the rivers’ sources in the eastern Tibetan Plateau (ETPR) from 1970s to 2000.
Walden, J., Jacquemart, M., Higman, B., Hugonnet, R., Manconi, A., & Farinotti, D. (2024). A regional analysis of paraglacial landslide activation in southern coastal Alaska.
Dømgaard, M., Schomacker, A., Isaksson, E., Millan, R., Huiban, F., Dehecq, A., Fleischer, A., Moholdt, G., Andersen, J. K., & Bjørk, A. A. (2024). Early aerial expedition photos reveal 85 years of glacier growth and stability in East Antarctica. Nature Communications, 15(1), 4466.
Piermattei, L., Zemp, M., Sommer, C., Brun, F., Braun, M. H., Andreassen, L. M., Belart, J. M. C., Berthier, E., Bhattacharya, A., Boehm Vock, L., Bolch, T., Dehecq, A., Dussaillant, I., Falaschi, D., Florentine, C., Floricioiu, D., Ginzler, C., Guillet, G., Hugonnet, R., … Yang, R. (2024). Observing glacier elevation changes from spaceborne optical and radar sensors – an inter-comparison experiment using ASTER and TanDEM-X data. The Cryosphere, 18(7), 3195–3230.
Bernat, M., Belart, J. M. C., Berthier, E., Jóhannesson, T., Hugonnet, R., Dehecq, A., Magnússon, E., & Gunnarsson, A. (2023). Geodetic mass balance of Mýrdalsjökull ice cap, 1999–2021. Jökull, 73(1), 35–53.
Khadka, N., Shrestha, N. ., Basnet, K., Manandhar, R., Sharma, S., & Shrestha, B. (2023). Glacier Area, Mass and Associated Glacial Lake Change in Kawari basin, Western Nepal. Jalawaayu, 3(1), 63–72.
Brun, F., King, O., Réveillet, M., Amory, C., Planchot, A., Berthier, E., Dehecq, A., Bolch, T., Fourteau, K., Brondex, J., Dumont, M., Mayer, C., Leinss, S., Hugonnet, R., & Wagnon, P. (2023). Everest South Col Glacier did not thin during the period 1984–2017. The Cryosphere, 17(8), 3251–3268.
Knuth, F., Shean, D., Bhushan, S., Schwat, E., Alexandrov, O., McNeil, C., Dehecq, A., Florentine, C., & O’Neel, S. (2023). Historical Structure from Motion (HSfM): Automated processing of historical aerial photographs for long-term topographic change analysis. Remote Sensing of Environment, 285, 113379.
Schwat, E., Istanbulluoglu, E., Horner-Devine, A., Anderson, S., Knuth, F., & Shean, D. (2023). Multi-decadal erosion rates from glacierized watersheds on Mount Baker, Washington, USA, reveal topographic, climatic, and lithologic controls on sediment yields. Geomorphology, 438(108805), 108805.
Farnsworth, W. R., Ingólfsson, Ó., Mannerfelt, E. S., Kalliokoski, M. H., Guðmundsdóttir, E. R., Retelle, M., Allaart, L., Brynjólfsson, S., Furze, M. F. A., Hancock, H. J., Kjær, K. H., Pieńkowski, A. J., & Schomacker, A. (2022). Vedde Ash constrains Younger Dryas glacier re-advance and rapid glacio-isostatic rebound on Svalbard. Quaternary Science Advances, 5(100041), 100041.
Mannerfelt, E. S., Dehecq, A., Hugonnet, R., Hodel, E., Huss, M., Bauder, A., & Farinotti, D. (2022). Halving of Swiss glacier volume since 1931 observed from terrestrial image photogrammetry. The Cryosphere, 16(8), 3249–3268.
Abad, L., Hölbling, D., Dabiri, Z., & Robson, B. A. (2022). An open-source-based workflow for DEM generation from Sentinel-1 for landslide volume estimation. ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLVIII-4/W1-2022, 5–11.
Hugonnet, R., Brun, F., Berthier, E., Dehecq, A., Mannerfelt, E. S., Eckert, N., & Farinotti, D. (2022). Uncertainty Analysis of Digital Elevation Models by Spatial Inference From Stable Terrain. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 15, 6456–6472.
Hugonnet, R. (2022). Global glacier mass change by spatiotemporal analysis of digital elevation models,
Vlieghe, P-L. (2023). Revealing the Recent Height Changes of the Great Altesch Glacier Using TanDEM-X DEM Series,
Saheed, A. (2023). Investigation of changes in Briksdalsbreen, western Norway from 1966 - 2020,
Liu, Z. (2022). Snow Depth Retrieval and Downscaling using Satellite Laser Altimetry, Machine Learning, and Climate Reanalysis: A Case Study in Mainland Norway,
Bernat, M. (2022). Geodetic mass balance of Mýrdalsjökull ice cap, 1999−2021: DEM processing and climate analysis,