- xdem.spatialstats.correlation_from_variogram(params_variogram_model)[source]#
Construct the spatial correlation function from a dataframe of variogram parameters. The correlation function is the covariance function “C” divided by the sum of partial sills “PS”: rho = C / PS
- Parameters:
params_variogram_model (
) – Dataframe of variogram models to sum with three to four columns, “model” for the model types (e.g., [“spherical”, “matern”]), “range” for the correlation ranges (e.g., [2, 100]), “psill” for the partial sills (e.g., [0.8, 0.2]) and “smooth” for the smoothness parameter if it exists for this model (e.g., [None, 0.2]).- Return type:
]]]]- Returns:
Correlation function with spatial lags